
Around the world and especially in Southeast Asia, vulnerable individuals are defrauded, forced or coerced into multiple forms of slavery, including sex trafficking, forced labour, bonded labour, child slavery and forced marriage. Magnuson Trust is strongly committed to empowering the vulnerable, fighting for the freedom of those who have fallen victim to trafficking and rebuilding the dignity of survivors. Ending trafficking requires interventions at multiple points along a continuum, from preventing more individuals from entering into trafficking, to bolstering law enforcement, and helping survivors rehabilitate their socioeconomic and psychological well-being.

Magnuson Trust makes grants to organisations working to:

  • Address the root causes of trafficking by building resilience and reducing multi-dimensional vulnerability;

  • Promote safer and more informed migration

  • Prosecute traffickers and take down trafficking networks;

  • Provide long-term aftercare and dignified reintegration.

We fund grassroots organisations that provide essential services, as well as international coordination and collaboration activities.


Climate Resilience